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Ukraine : tickets booked! | Jay WorldMan

So what’s the story?  It’s 2:30 in the morning, on the 28th of july 2024 in Paris. The Olympic games have just started, and I’ve just booked my tickets to Ukraine. Am I running away from the games? A bit. Only to run toward annother kind of competition though ! For the truth is : I’m going to Ukraine to attend a tournament.

A few years ago, I’ve started playing Blood Bowl. More on that later. But the game has put a hook on me since then, and even more after I started playing it on tabletop. I’ve been learning fast, from the bests, those who were both knowledgeable and kind enough to answer my x1.000 questions. And now Im ranked #1 in France and apparently worldwide, I’ve heard, according to some criterias that could be debatable – héhé. Pretty cool, nevertheless.

Covid has been a blow, in termes of « travel adventures ». Not « adventures », for adventures are everywhere where the enthusiasm springs #goldenretrieverattitud ! I’ve published a book, I’ve explored a few new jobs (including coaching people, which I love) and other stuff, I forget, it’s late, but the thrill of taking risks and discovering the unknown wasn’t there… not as much as it is since I’ve claimed publicly I would go to Ukraine, thus traping myself to do so, or risking my credibility, which matters, to myself.

So I’m going, to Kyiv, to attend this Bloodbowl tournament, titled « The Cup of the Iron Will II ». And this brings me back to my old blog where I haven’t published anything since… woow… long ago !

And beyond that, this brings me back to the times when, traveling the world was my moto, and writing it my fuel. Damn, it’s good to be back on the path of adventure. I know this trip is risky, and it makes me feel so alive.

I arrive in Krakow on the 12th. There I’ll have to retrieve my train tickets from Przemysl to Kyiv before going to Przemysl… a city that makes me feel good about writing rather than video-taping, so I don’t have to say it out loud.